Paper garbage is seldom collected, so after some mishaps I wrote this automation to remind of us collecting. The automation is using several components. For waste and paper garbage notification I’m using this component. Sensor: Automation: 1
Paper garbage is seldom collected, so after some mishaps I wrote this automation to remind of us collecting. The automation is using several components. For waste and paper garbage notification I’m using this component. Sensor: Automation: 1
Part of the nice experience going out to dinner is both the food, music and mood lights. Why not get the same experience at home with a simple automation combining Spotify music and light scene combined with colorful Philips Hue lights? Here is my automation. Automation: Input boolean: Scene:
My Lovelace dashboard was filled with thermostats for each floor. It made a mess of presentation and wasn’t very WAF. The solution to a more simple layout was the combination of conditional card and stack-in-card. The result is a more dynamic card, taking a lot less space. Thermostat used is the simple-thermostat. Thinking of using […]