Home Assistant smart ventilation automation

We have a Flexit balanced ventilation system. Unfortunately it doesn’t have any smartness, so it stays on the same ventilation level if it’s hot or humid. Fortunately it’s possible to control the system through relays and with the help of ESP (ESPHome) and Aqara Humidity sensors. Since humidity is changing from day to day I […]

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Home Assistant TV remote in Lovelace

I’m fan of integrating as much as possible in the Home Assistant companion app. The Harmony remote app has much to be desired as well. So I rather added the functionality of the Harmony app in Lovelace instead. Adjust to your liking. You will find the needed device id in files named harmony_xxxxxxxx.conf Lovelace:

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Home Assistant adaptive heating automation based on outdoor temperature and electricity prices from Nordpool

As part of the earlier post regarding Home Assistant notification automation cheaper electricity Nordpool, I have made an automation with adaptive heating based on the outdoor temperature and electricity prices. It can be used as a base for your own automation but should be adjusted to your own liking. We our self have a comfort […]

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Home Assistant notification automation to Android TV

I have integrated notifications from Home Assistant to Android TV with the help of the Notifications for Android TV app. Works flawless and even supports images and icons. Have made an automation that pauses the TV and shows an image from the doorbell camera. Small improvements in the everyday life 🙂 Notification TV: History in […]

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Home Assistant notification automation cheaper electricity Nordpool

In Norway we have had a tough winter with 3 times or more of normal electricity prices. As part of this we have tried to move the consumption to the periods with cheaper electricity. The component used for electricity price is the following Nordpool component. I have several other automations helping to cut costs, will […]

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