Paper garbage is seldom collected, so after some mishaps I wrote this automation to remind of us collecting.
The automation is using several components.
For waste and paper garbage notification I’m using this component.
# Days until waste garbage is collected - platform: template sensors: waste_garbage_collection: friendly_name: Waste garbage is collected in value_template: "{{ (( as_timestamp(strptime(states('sensor.mat_plast_og_rest'), '%d/%m/%Y')) - as_timestamp(now()) )/ (3600*24)) | round() }}" unit_of_measurement: days # Days until paper garbage is collected - platform: template sensors: paper_garbage_collection: friendly_name: Paper garbage is collected in value_template: "{{ (( as_timestamp(strptime(states('sensor.papir'), '%d/%m/%Y')) - as_timestamp(now()) )/ (3600*24)) | round() }}" unit_of_measurement: days
# Paper garbage notification - alias: Paper garbage notification id: paper_garbage_notification description: 'Flash lights light green when paper garbage collection' trigger: - platform: time at: '20:00:00' - platform: time at: '21:00:00' condition: condition: and conditions: - condition: state entity_id: group.all_people state: 'home' - condition: state entity_id: sensor.paper_garbage_collection state: '0' action: - choose: # Tv off - conditions: - condition: and conditions: - condition: state entity_id: remote.living_room_hub state: 'off' sequence: - service: scene.create data: scene_id: garbage_notification_revert snapshot_entities: - light.hallway_ceiling_1 - light.hallway_ceiling_2 - light.kitchen_lamp - light.sofa_lamp - light.living_room_lamp - light.office_ceiling - light.attic_ceiling - service: rest_command.rhasspy_speak data_template: payload_data: "Paper garbage collection tomorrow please get garbage." - service_template: notify.pushover data_template: title: "Paper garbage collection" message: "Paper garbage collection tomorrow, please get garbage." data: priority: 0 sound: "pianobar" - service: homeassistant.turn_on entity_id: group.garbage_notification_script - delay: '20' - service: scene.turn_on data: entity_id: scene.garbage_notification_revert # User home and tv on - conditions: - condition: and conditions: - condition: state entity_id: group.all_people state: 'home' - condition: state entity_id: remote.living_room_hub state: 'on' sequence: - service: scene.create data: scene_id: garbage_notification_revert snapshot_entities: - light.hallway_ceiling_1 - light.hallway_ceiling_2 - light.kitchen_lamp - light.sofa_lamp - light.living_room_lamp - light.office_ceiling - light.attic_ceiling - service: rest_command.rhasspy_speak data_template: payload_data: "Paper garbage collection tomorrow please get garbage." - service: notify.living_room_media_center data_template: title: "Paper garbage collection" message: "Paper garbage collection tomorrow, please get garbage." data: duration: 15 font-size: max transparency: 50% position: bottom-right - service_template: notify.pushover data_template: title: "Paper garbage collection" message: "Paper garbage collection tomorrow, please get garbage." data: priority: 0 sound: "pianobar" - service: homeassistant.turn_on entity_id: group.garbage_notification_script - delay: '20' - service: scene.turn_on data: entity_id: scene.garbage_notification_revert